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We now offer a variety of free-flow beverage options to complement your meal.

All prices are subject to 10% service charge

Other Offers

Offers - George's
Our Highly Anticipated Food & Beverage Promotion is Back!
Offers - Ming Yuen
二維碼訂購限定優惠 QR Code Ordering Exclusive!
Offers - Teahouse
Anytime Coffee Perfection with Our New Lobby Robot
Offers - Teppanyaki
Teppanyaki & Tempura New Menus
Food & Beverage
George’s New Set Lunch Menu

Lifestyle Café Coffee

•  Every coffee purchased at Lifestyle Café to receive one stamp
•  Collected 10 stamps to enjoy a complimentary coffee
•  Each reward card validity within 30 days from the card issue

For enquiries and reservations, please call 2812 3804


Other Offers

Food & Beverage
Spirits Tasting
Offers - George's
Our Highly Anticipated Food & Beverage Promotion is Back!
Offers - Ming Yuen
二維碼訂購限定優惠 QR Code Ordering Exclusive!
Offers - Teahouse
Anytime Coffee Perfection with Our New Lobby Robot
Offers - Teppanyaki
Teppanyaki & Tempura New Menus
Food & Beverage
George’s New Set Lunch Menu

Get a custom 3D cake for your next big occasion. Now you can simply order at Hong Kong Parkview. All our work is customised to your specific request with attention to the smallest of details.
For enquiries and orders, please call Teahouse at 2812 3804


Other Offers

Food & Beverage
Spirits Tasting
Offers - George's
Our Highly Anticipated Food & Beverage Promotion is Back!
Offers - Ming Yuen
二維碼訂購限定優惠 QR Code Ordering Exclusive!
Offers - Teahouse
Anytime Coffee Perfection with Our New Lobby Robot
Offers - Teppanyaki
Teppanyaki & Tempura New Menus
Food & Beverage
George’s New Set Lunch Menu

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