Date 日期:24/05/2024 (Saturday 星期六) Time 時間:3:30pm – 6:00pm Fee 費用: HK$225 (Member 會員)/ HK$ 275 (Guest 訪客) Deadline Date 截止報名日期:19/05/2024 (Monday 星期一), 5pm
-Maximum to 12 Players (6 Ladies’s and 6 Men)最多12名參與者 (6位女士及6位男士) -Random pairings each round 每輪隨機配對 -Priority will be given to doubles, followed by singles depending on the number of sign-ups 名額優先分配雙打,再以報名人數分配單打
A great way to get to know and play with other members. All level are welcome. 認識其他成員並與他們切磋球技。歡迎各個水平的參與者。
There’s an Easter eggs-travaganza at Parkview! Bring the kids for the Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Carnival on 20 April. The bunny has dropped loads of colourful eggs and we need your help to find them. Register now to reserve your spot!
Join our educational and entertaining Easter Camps, and let your kids learn, have fun, and make new friends! Enrol and settle payment by 23 March for 10% early bird discount.
The Young Talents Tennis Tour focuses on holistic development for young players by integrating education with competitive tennis experiences. It emphasizes sportsmanship, social interaction, and learning over mere victory, while educating participants on game rules, scoring methods, and fundamental strategies. Training and skill development are central to the ethos of these tournaments.
Young Talents Tennis Tour 專注於青少年網球手的全面發展,將理論教育與網球競技相結合。它強調體育精神、社交互動和學習,而不僅僅是勝利,同時教育參與者有關比賽規則、計分方法和基本策略。培訓和技能發展是這個活動的核心理念。
Red Ball:1 / 3 / 25 (Sat 星期六) Time 時間:5:30pm – 7:30pm Fee 費用:HK$300 (Member 會員)
Green Ball:8 / 3 / 25 (Sat 星期六) Time 時間:5:30pm – 8pm Fee 費用:HK$350 (Member 會員)