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Terms & Condition:

  1. This promotion is valid from now till 31st December, 2025.
  2. 10% discount offer is only applicable to purchase 1/1.5/2 hours tickets at venue.
  3. Members must present their valid physical Parkview membership card at venue to enjoy the offer.
  4. Ticket price does not include locker and grip socks. Please refer to Ryze Hong Kong for details.
  5. Members must follow the “Ryze Hong Kong General House Rules”, sock policy and waiver policy, as well as safety and usage rules of each attraction. Please refer to the official website of Ryze Hong Kong www.ryzehongkong.com for details.
  6. All participants under the age of 18 must have a waiver signed by their parent or legal guardian.
  7. Children aged below 13 cannot be left alone without supervision by parent or guardian.
  8. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions.
  9. Offer is non-refundable, non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash or other products and/or services.
  10. Should any dispute arise, the decision of Ryze Hong Kong shall be final.